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How to play?

How can I be a better partner for us?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What was one moment you had butterflies in your stomach around me?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?
Only you have to answer

Would you rather want the ability to read your partner’s mind or everyone else’s mind? And Why?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

When you think about a typical day, what kind of small gesture or action would make you feel loved and cared for?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

Who was your favourite teacher at school? And why?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What was the last page of your notebook in school full of?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

How do you think we can have more quality time when we’re physically apart?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What was your idea of romance growing up?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

Did you believe in marriage growing up? How has your stance changed over the years?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What is a recent act of service I have done, that you loved?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What can you want to do more as a partner?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

Do you prefer spontaneous quality time moments or planned activities? Why?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What was something unexpected about our relationship?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What's an act of service that feels so uniquely "you" in our relationship?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What are small acts of love that you appreciate?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What is your first memory ever?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?
Both take turns to answer

If you had to go on a midnight date with your partner where would you go and why?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?
Only you have to answer

If you could trade places with your partner for a day, what would you do?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?
Only you have to answer

Which celebrity would your partner go on a date? And why?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What does intimacy mean to you?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

If you could do something with zero consequence, what would it be?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What hobby or interest do you want me to try out with you?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What do you think healthy compromise looks like in relationships?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?

What sitcom relationship are we?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

How to play?
Only you have to answer

If you could be a part of one past moment of your partner’s life which one would you choose?

It’s your partner's turn to pick the next question

The game is currently available on mobile only. No, you don't need to install an app, just open the link on the browser in your phone.

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