Relationship Quote #7

I want the kind of romance where even if every second doesn't sweep me off my feet, just a little hug erases the fatigue of the day. That is the kind of romance I want.

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Relationship Tip #35

No two individuals are alike. And expecting that one’s partner would be similar to us in every way would be unfair. It puts pressure on the relationship which might lead to conflicts in the long run. It is important that both partners feel free and unconfined in a relationship for it to nurture.

Relationship Tip #25

Expressing Gratitude towards your partner can be a powerful antidote to stress & an easy way to instantly uplift & transform your relationship. Remember, while a lot of us might know about this but we often forget to do it.

Relationship Tip #42

Sorry isn't the end of anything. If you mean it, it's supposed to be the beginning that leads to a change. So, the next time you find yourself apologizing to your partner, take a moment to reflect on how you can turn that sorry into a catalyst for positive changes in your relationship.

Relationship Tip #28

As you grow together, remember to keep doing the things you did the first year you were dating

Relationship Tip #29

I unknowingly started expecting my partner to be a reflection of myself, often asking "why can't you also" when pointing out things I do. But I realized that he brings his own strengths to the relationship, and expecting him to mirror me is not fair or healthy.

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