Relationship Myth #30

Myth: I should not be vulnerable with my partner as it would make me look weak. Also, exposing my emotions might scare him.

Fact: Being vulnerable in a relationship means taking a risk. There is a chance of getting hurt, but there is also a chance of connection and growth. Vulnerability fosters closeness, trust, and intimacy.

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Relationship Tip #18

As a couple, staying friends has always been important for us, so we have a lot of simple rituals that help us stay that way. E.g together we write inspiring, funny, and uplifting messages on sticky notes and leave them in unexpected places around our community.

Relationship Tip #35

No two individuals are alike. And expecting that one’s partner would be similar to us in every way would be unfair. It puts pressure on the relationship which might lead to conflicts in the long run. It is important that both partners feel free and unconfined in a relationship for it to nurture.

Relationship Tip #31

Having shared goals and working towards them together has been very helpful in keeping our relationship strong e.g saving for a vacation. Having something to work towards together keeps us motivated and gives us a sense of accomplishment.

Relationship Tip #19

Over time and after quite a few conflicts, I realized an important thing - I should keep the conversation focused on the issue at hand and not criticize my partner at the core of their character. That’s the difference between complaint and criticism.

Relationship Tip #26

Little gestures go a long way in a relationship. Bear hugs, a good bye kiss before leaving for work, bringing home a small gift, or snack, etc are seemingly small deeds but have a great positive impact on a relationship.

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